How it works
Grab your exclusive discounts by being part of our loyalty program
Frequently Asked Questions
Explore this section to find comprehensive answers to all your questions about the loyalty program.
Our loyalty program started on 11th March 2025. Sadly, we are unable to attribute points to any orders placed before this date.
You can earn trade points by placing orders. For every £100 spent, you earn 3 trade points. As a VIP member, you can earn 5 trade points for every £100 spent.
Redeem your trade points by selecting the 'Redeem' option during in the cart or your account. You can apply the points for a discount on your order in your cart or from your account page too.
Sadly, as the loyalty program automatically rewards points whilst you check out on our website, we are unable to attribute any points for additions or order placed over the phone or by email.
Yes, all trade points are valid for 12 months from the time of purchase. They will automatically be removed from your account if not redeemed and used within 12 months.
If you return a product, any trade points earned from that purchase will be deducted from your account.
VIP members earn more trade points per purchase and have access to exclusive rewards and promotions.
Yes, you can combine your trade points with order, product, and shipping discounts.
You can view your trade point balance in the 'Points History' section of your account on our website.
If you do not maintain the required trade points for your current tier, you may be downgraded after 12 months, but you'll receive a notification 7 days before any downgrade.