Maker Spotlight: Artisan Felt Studio

Maker Spotlight: Artisan Felt Studio
Lara Pollard-Jones

This month our maker is Sara from Artisan Felt Studio; she creates the most beautiful felted pictures and landscapes.  So if you're looking for a bit of inspiration, look no further!

When did you start your craft?
8 years ago

What do you like best about it?
I love the versatility of felting. Although I generally only have time for my landscapes these days, I love that the techniques of wet felting can be applied to so many different things!

Do you have a favourite thing to make?
My wool paintings. Although I do love to make a nuno felted scarf if I ever have free time.

Why is crafting important to you?
Crafting has always been a part of my life in one form or another. But when I discovered felting, it came to me at a time when I was in the thick of motherhood with 2 very young children. So it gave me an escape from being a mum for a few brief moments each day. That creative outlet was so crucial at that time, when I was sleep deprived and felt everything else revolved around the kids, and over time I grew to love felting so much it has now become my own small business!

What are your preferred products to use?
I love using as many different varieties of wool as I can. The different textures that you can get in your work, just by exploring the many breeds of sheep is amazing! The list to so long, but here’s a few, Merino, Corriedale, Blue Faced Leicester, Icelandic, Shetland, Jacob, Teeswater.

Do you have any advice for anyone wanting to take up your craft?
Just have fun! Felting is such a fun craft, and as I’ve mentioned, so versatile. Go make yourself a crazy hat, or a gorgeous bag, or anything your heart desires. That’s why felting is so great!

What's your favourite thing about World of Wool?
The amazing selection of wools and colours! And the fact it’s always increasing in what is available, I’d be lost without it!

(you've made us blush...)

You can find Sara on Facebook here.

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