Maker Spotlight: Trish Fletcher

We've been chatting to Trish Fletcher about her beautiful needelfelted creations and why this craft is so important to her.
When did you start your craft?
I started felting 4 years ago. It was the addition of roving wool to textile pictures which made me realise how versatile wool was. The wool soon became the main component of my work. After struggling to get a picture of a rather plump goose into a frame, I decided to try free standing sculptures. I sent for a World of Wool wolf kit. I learned so much of the process to make animals, the wolf was the starting point of this journey.
What do you like best about it?
I love how wool can be used to create so many effects. Blending colours and using the different breeds makes the craft so absorbing. I’m very conscious about waste going to landfill, and love the fact that wool is biodegradable .I keep the bits of wool that are left over from a make , and when I’ve a few minutes, card them together to make new colours. There’s always something that needs some shaping or shading.
Do you have a favourite thing to make?
Every piece started becomes a favourite until the next one is on the go! Hares and barn owls are my favourite go-to work because as they are just a joy to make. I really love getting the character of each one. Felted pictures are again a favourite make . Putting the feel of the landscape is important for me , so like to do sunsets and night time pictures.
Landscapes can be as realistic as you can make them , or very bold and contemporary with blocks of bright colours. Acid greens next to cerise is a colour way that sings .
Why is crafting important to you?
Having had anxiety issues for many years, craft has always been extremely important for me. The process of felting, concentrating on how I can improve my technique, and learning about the animal or bird is so therapeutic.
What are your preferred products to use?
The World of Wool space dyed’ 'Mars’ is my most used product. It blends well when carded, and the graduated colours give scope for subtle details. I’ve got two World of Wool multi needle products, had them ages and they still work brilliantly.
Do you have any advice for anyone wanting to take up your craft?
Needle felting is such a lovely craft, using a natural product. I’ve just turned 70 and having learned a new craft is the best thing ever! I opened an online shop during Covid, and have sold my work at fairs and markets, so it’s been a new mini career for me! Some crafts are quite expensive to start with, but felting, especially dry felting which I do, isn’t.
Getting the right needles and using a good core wool, is very important though, and would advise using the World of Wool knowledge to get started. Using a wire frame work is good as you progress, but getting to know how the core wool felts into shape, and not over felting is key .
I always say to people, start with a picture, using pre felt or linen as a base , you’re less likely to end up using a box of plasters after stabbing your fingers, and it gives you the feel of how the wool contracts and adapts as you go . Felting is a craft that you can use together with hand or machine embroidery. French knots give lovely details and texture, and machine stitching round outlines in a landscape really make a huge difference, making it nearly 3 dimensional. A lot of my pictures are framed without glass, wool doesn’t attract dust , and the colours are so much brighter.
I love a challenge, it keeps the mind occupied, so give felting a go. I’m going to have a go at wet felting this year, to see how it can give me more ideas for new things.
What's your favourite thing about World of Wool?
(As usual, we're not going to apologise for this leading question! :P)
World of Wool is a good place to start for all the basic felting needs, everything from starting out to developing further.